The Kitchen Weaver from 1949 can be found on YouTube.

Did anyone own an Austin Metro and recognise where part of this advert was filmed?

Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds has created is a series of Walking Stories with a map and sound track for each walk that you can download. The Lavenham story is co-written by David Deacon and Annie Eddington. And it is free! Even if you cannot do the walk, the soundtrack is still worth listening to  ….

An interesting read on Lavenham Conservation Area.

These pairs of pictures show how parts of Lavenham have changed over the years.  Much of it remains recognisable and pretty much as it was.  Some of the buildings that are now regarded as a valuable part of our heritage came very close to destruction and indeed some have been lost. 

As we consult and plan how our neighbourhood should evolve for the next 25 years or so it may be constructive to take stock how it has changed in the past.